This article shows the difference between US and British newspaper editorial standards. My original Airbus A320 story as published by The Guardian, (called "A New High Wire Act at 28,000 ft" on the homepage), and the first of my many articles on this aircraft I felt was concise, factually correct, well researched and argued. When I sent it to the Washington Post suggesting publication they told me straight off they liked it but it needed to be longer and could I please answer the following points. Then followed around 50 questions regarding technical aviation elements within the story which took over a week to follow up. Thinking that once I answered them that would be it, I then received a further 20 questions. Answered them and then just before publication I was asked a few more. The resulting article was superior in its level of detail but a way more laborious read. And of course being a lot longer it paid me more. But for me the British editorial disinterest in that American obsession, fact-checking, made for an article equally accurate and more appealing to the reader.